Member-only story
Holding Back
Right now you may be holding back
how you feel
how you want to live life
deciding what to do next
You may be holding back
your dreams
your hopes
your desires
You may be holding back
your fears
your annoyances
your paranoia
You may be holding back
your love
your expression
your boundaries
You may be holding back
and back
and back
Like a little tempest in a teapot
And it makes sense
The world has asked you to hold back
To stay inside
to make being around the same people a lot more than normal work
to make working from home work
to make a pandemic work
to make your life work in a way it may never have worked before
You may be holding back
how well this is working for you
the relief you feel that you don’t have to drive your kids to school
or go into the office
how right you feel about how bad this has all gotten
because you saw first how bad it might be