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Manager vs Director
It’s more about identity than skillset
Some companies hand our director titles like candy, but few really understand the distinction between a manager and a director. So here are some simple guidelines.
Managers focus on doing things, directors focus on how things are done.
To the manager, the day is filled with tasks done in a certain order. The focus is efficiency and a willingness to get in there and do stuff or help other people do stuff.
To a director, the day is filled with understanding how things are done and how they might be done better. They are trying to make tasks happen but they are also looking at what should be happening and how it can happen better.
Managers focus on projects, directors focus on visions
To the manager, the project is the largest unit of focus. The work needs to be divided up, procedures need to be followed, and people need to be motivated.
To the director, the vision is the largest unit of focus. This is how things could be. Let’s figure out how to get there. The vision may be their own or part of a larger vision or work in coordination with several other visions, but it’s not just about doing the work it’s about changing the way things work.